Friday, April 25, 2008


好久没写部落格了.最近就是忙工作.这个月我的部门开了今年第一个会, 是全马的哦!!! 开会嘛!没什么大不了,就是坐在那儿听人讲话就好啦,人问到明白吗,即使不明白,先点个头,装作明白安全的多.完了再问其他同事就好了.而且我们还是通过电话方式开会,更自由啦! 碰不到面,只是拉长耳朵罢了.

没想到这次要我说话.说话?要说什么?这里天下太平,能吃能喝能做,没什么要报告耶. 原来不是,要我解释公司其中的一项policy,而且还被固定了哪一项,我最讨厌和一知半解的那一项.

第一次那么认真的去读每一个字,去了解每一个字串成一句时的意思,一边想他们会发问什么问题,不会答时,不是很羞耻吗?唉喲,为什么工作那么辛苦? 在工作里开口说话真的很难,认真说话是真的很难耶! 平时说废话难不倒我,这次要拿我命,压力实在大.讲话也有压力,唉!!!!

吉时已到,我要讲话了.aiks!!!从那里说起,要怎么说.我停了大概有30秒,一片宁静更使我紧张.脑里一直说,死啦!死啦!,死就死吧!豁出去... 开始啦... 第一个字是 "HI",后面的就乱讲一通,有的没的都讲,连自己都不明白在讲什么,不必奢望别人听的懂.

我的脸烧的可以煮蛋了,红的连对面的同事目不转睛的看着我.要死!!!太紧张害怕了.温度一直升,时间再长一些,我看就要血压过高,血管爆裂,脑重风了.一完毕,我说了"THANK YOU", 温度即刻回到正常c. 面部的僵硬立即回复弹性,好多了.口水也吞的比较顺畅.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Beautiful Dressessssssssssss

I would like to share this with my ji mui... Look at the gorgeous dresses.... I dream again that I am the one who put them on.... wonder will turn like them or not.... fu -yoh!!!! (just learnt a new word, M'sian canggih pasar word)

I like the most..... is this.....

Friday, April 11, 2008


I happened reading a blog of my secretive colleague. I believe is a "H", due to all the topics are more to male interests. What catches me is the title of his blog - Lasapka punya Lasap Blog. It is fun to read, almost everything he connects to Lasap. Lasap in Hokkien means Sampah in Malay, Rubbish in English, 垃圾 in Chinese.

While I was scooping my lunch (free lunch after monthly HSE meeting) today, I looked at my food on my plate and thought of that "Lasap" colleague. Are all these food also lasap? Carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin A-Z all in, still lasap? The main lasap thing that cause this plate of food lasap is the AJINOMOTO. Agreed?

Hungry... I want to eat liao.. talk less. Lasap food is tastier. :(

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Body fat mass

Yesterday, our company has free scanning on our blood pressure and body fat mass. The result is scary. The reading indicates me to reduce 3.8kg of FAT!!!!!! The nutritionist advice me starts from my diet. I read the booklet (free one) and notice that I consumed too much cheese.. ahhahahah... and MILK... I need to drink SKIM Milk not Low Fat Milk... Skim Milk contains 0% of FAT.. while Low Fat contains 20+++ % fat.. gosh...

Not only fat people need to reduce fat. I have few colleagues who have standard, slim body, unbelievably they need to reduce 2.5kg - 3.5kg fat also. Now I understand, fat doesn't only store in fat body, but also those model type body.

This afternoon, Pei Sze buzzed me, introducing me to a blog. It is a health oriented blog. Nice to read and know. The link is it is written by a S'pore Nutritionist.

After the scanning, I made myself to detox using dragon fruit. It is really effective. You can substitute your lunch by having 1 big dragonfruit. 2 hours later, you got to be busy with your business, and you definitely feel the whole body turn very light. Healthy, yummy and nutritous. But it is advised not to do it everyday, you would probably end up malnutrition.