Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hello Friends
Jane... i am here... when i read your blog, i heard someone is calling me, my name is on the list, and i am scared to be black listed. sooooo here i am....
i didn't write for so long because i dunno what to write, was sick for past few months, i didnt bring my notebook home, and tooo busy with work til i have no time to open the blog.... all are excuses rite? ahhahahahh i m honest to tell you mah.....
last weekend, my so called 'study room' has turned from a gabbage room to a real study room, with my computer table in and the book shelf... so i m willing to bring my notebook home and write on the table.. a proper place for me to type... ahhahah no excuse anymore not to write rite???? okkkkieee ler... i will try to write as much as i can....
And i think you feel bored reading this... cos no pictures taken, no purpose of writing... ya i am just try to make up something to write... hahahahah and lazy to hold my clumsy camera to snap nothing and put them up here...
well... now at least all of you know i am still in existence... hahaha... ok... til now.. i need to stop and sleep... cos tomorrow is Monday... the worst day in the week.... ta ta....
Friday, May 16, 2008
I meet you again

Wonder what I am talking about leh.... this morning, I received news from 3 long lost contact ex uni-mate, house-mate. It is like "Lost & Found". I am soooo happy that they still remember who I am. We were together everyday where everyone was from somewhere having the fate to meet together in a place, where the friendship starts. 相知,相识,要相惜.
People say the only ship that will not sink is the friendship. Once it is built, if you take care of it, it will last forever, the value of it is non countable, non monetary.
Though now everyone is back to where they are from, or going somewhere they want to, holding their contact will pull us back into the room of friends at anytime, anywhere.
Wishing them all the best in what they are doing now, and good health forever.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Dual Celebrations
*** Happy moment, that nite was really hot, all of our faces like charcoal, heat from the charcoal. BUT, it rained like cyclone in late nite, at least cool us down. I have pimples popped out from my face after that nite, sigh.. ugly...
*** Happy 1st Birthday to Imaan Belle (C/n 洁儿).. we bake a cake for her, the original plan is to use a mould to bake a bear bear cake, but is TOO BIG to fit into my oven, we end up drawing our own bear and trace on the cake. The shape is good, but come to the icing part, oh gosh, our hands are shivering on the cake, 1st time mah... what to do.. our cake turns out not a cute one, but more to like monster.. haaaaaaa.. luckily we have a cool candles to 'beautify' the cake....

*** more candid shots on the princess... cute huh???

Friday, May 2, 2008
01/05/2008 Eve
I don't have clubbing group, so every celebration, we go for food mostly. 1/5/08 eve also the same. I started from my house, BBQ session, organised by my hubby's and friends, then I joined my group to dinner later lim teh. Healthy rite? Celebration no need beers, knocking your head with the loud music, but with few close friends, chit chat and laugh that is the happiest thing. May be this is old people's voice... *bluek*....
Friday, April 25, 2008